A photograph of the International Business Centre (IBC) in Prague's Karlin was taken during the blue hour, showcasing its contextual architecture alongside the Hilton hotel and viaduct.

Mezinárodní obchodní centrum

Zadáním bylo vytvořit sérii 20 fotografií (exteriér a interiér) ikonické budovy International Business Centre v pražském Karlíně. Komplex IBC byl postaven v roce 1993 a v roce 2020 jej odkoupila společnost Generali Real Estate. Tento projekt stále probíhá.

Klient: Generali Real Estate

Agentura: Urban Jungle (PL)

Architekt: A8000

Lokace: Praha

I captured this architectural photography of the International Business Centre in Prague during the blue hour through the moving leaves, blurred in motion by the wind.
Photo of the newly renovated interior lobby and reception area of the International Business Centre (IBC) in Prague, Czech Republic, focuses on a high ceiling covered with designer acoustic panels in a tavern of ice floes.

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