Palác Euro-Astra

Palác Euro-Astra tvoří komplex dvou administrativních budov – funkcionalistické Astry z roku 1927 a moderního Eura z roku 2002, které spolu s protější Korunou rámují Václavské náměstí. Pro majitele obou budov, společnost Generali Real Estate, jsem byl pověřen pořízením 20 fotografií. Cílem bylo zachytit exteriér se zaměřením na Euro a také ukázku interiérů obou budov.

Klient: Generali Real Estate

Agentura: Urban Jungle (PL)

Architekt: DAM.architekti (Euro), Ludvík Kysela (Astra)

Lokace: Praha

A photograph of the modern Euro Palace building on Prague's Wenceslas Square taken during the golden hour in a vertical orientation.
Architecture photography in detail, the view of the glass cladding, with a reflection of the sky of the Euro Palace building in Prague.
Close-up of the top of the modern tower of the Euro Palace on Wenceslas Square in Prague. The photo shows the glass meeting the golden cladding panels.
A close-up photo captures the significantly golden cladding covering the tower of the Euro Palace on Prague's Wenceslas Square.
Design a corridor with stairs in the private offices of Astra Palace on Wenceslas Square in Prague, Czech Republic.
Photograph of a symmetrical space, interior of an Art Nouveau cocktail bar - Crazy Daisy in Prague, Czech Republic, decorated in red-orange colors.
A man blurred by motion is climbing the stairs in a green-cream toned interior of Raiffeisenbank at Palace Astra on Wenceslas Square in Prague, Czech Republic.
Raiffeisenbank's offices at Palace Astra on Wenceslas Square in Prague, Czech Republic, feature a green and cream-toned secession interior with a fireplace.
The stairs in a green-cream-toned secession interior of Raiffeisenbank at Palace Astra on Wenceslas Square in Prague, Czech Republic, captured from an angle to see both floor levels.
A view showcases a modern and elegant interior in front of the Education First offices in the Euro Palace in Prague (Czech Republic) on Wenceslas Square.

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